Saturday, February 2, 2013
Photoshop? Don't even think about it.
From Breitbart: White House Warns: Don't Photoshop Obama Gun Pic
The White House has released a picture purporting to show President Obama "skeet shooting" at Camp David. An activity he claims he does "all the time."
The White House also warns:
"This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."
"this new law is proof of what gun rights people have been saying all along - that registration is a precursor to confiscation"
Message from Sheriff Timothy B. Howard, Erie County, New York
January 31, 2013 - Our state already had some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and with the stroke of a pen our State Legislature and Governor made them even more restrictive last month, all in the name of making us safer. I don’t believe for one minute that Governor Cuomo did this to protect us; rather he rammed this bill through for his own personal agenda, so he could be the first out of the gate to thump his chest and say how restrictive gun laws are in New York , thus beating President Obama to the punch.
It is no secret Andrew Cuomo wants to be a presidential candidate in 2016. He took a very emotional event in our nation (the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut) and the unrelated murders of two first responders in Webster, NY and wrapped his constricting gun legislation around them like a bow, hand delivering it to the NYS legislature in a sweeping package that, in my opinion, infringes on every American’s constitutional right to bear arms.
We as citizens never even had an opportunity to respond to the proposed bill with our input; even law enforcement wasn’t consulted on this. In my opinion, this new law is proof of what gun rights people have been saying all along - that registration is a precursor to confiscation. We have landed on a slippery slope allowing the government to start tinkering with our second amendment rights - what comes next?
Let’s point the finger where it belongs - on mental health. Not one of these new restrictions would or could have stopped the massacre at that elementary school or in Webster, NY. The common denominator in these shootings has been a mentally disturbed person. The government should look to making it easier for people to access mental health services. (If anybody has a family member who suffers from mental illness – you know how hard it is to get good competent help).
Let’s pass responsible laws regarding mental health issues. Give police the right to know about any resident with a mental health history that constitutes a danger to an individual or community, especially those that must remain on medications to maintain their mental health. Different mental illnesses call for different response by police. Resume civil confinement of persons with mental illnesses that constitute a danger to a community (Police in Webster, NY did not know the history of the perpetrator who had earlier killed his grandmother with a hammer). Wasn’t it then-Governor Mario Cuomo (Governor Andrew Cuomo’s father) who closed psychiatric centers and turned them into prisons - which the state is now closing due to declining population caused by faulty parole and probation policies?
“The pen is mightier than the sword” is an old adage. But in this case it (the pen) is mightier than guns, because thanks to our Governor, he has restricted even more law abiding citizens’ rights to bear arms by a mere stroke of his pen.
January 31, 2013 - Our state already had some of the toughest gun laws in the nation and with the stroke of a pen our State Legislature and Governor made them even more restrictive last month, all in the name of making us safer. I don’t believe for one minute that Governor Cuomo did this to protect us; rather he rammed this bill through for his own personal agenda, so he could be the first out of the gate to thump his chest and say how restrictive gun laws are in New York , thus beating President Obama to the punch.
It is no secret Andrew Cuomo wants to be a presidential candidate in 2016. He took a very emotional event in our nation (the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut) and the unrelated murders of two first responders in Webster, NY and wrapped his constricting gun legislation around them like a bow, hand delivering it to the NYS legislature in a sweeping package that, in my opinion, infringes on every American’s constitutional right to bear arms.
We as citizens never even had an opportunity to respond to the proposed bill with our input; even law enforcement wasn’t consulted on this. In my opinion, this new law is proof of what gun rights people have been saying all along - that registration is a precursor to confiscation. We have landed on a slippery slope allowing the government to start tinkering with our second amendment rights - what comes next?
Let’s point the finger where it belongs - on mental health. Not one of these new restrictions would or could have stopped the massacre at that elementary school or in Webster, NY. The common denominator in these shootings has been a mentally disturbed person. The government should look to making it easier for people to access mental health services. (If anybody has a family member who suffers from mental illness – you know how hard it is to get good competent help).
Let’s pass responsible laws regarding mental health issues. Give police the right to know about any resident with a mental health history that constitutes a danger to an individual or community, especially those that must remain on medications to maintain their mental health. Different mental illnesses call for different response by police. Resume civil confinement of persons with mental illnesses that constitute a danger to a community (Police in Webster, NY did not know the history of the perpetrator who had earlier killed his grandmother with a hammer). Wasn’t it then-Governor Mario Cuomo (Governor Andrew Cuomo’s father) who closed psychiatric centers and turned them into prisons - which the state is now closing due to declining population caused by faulty parole and probation policies?
“The pen is mightier than the sword” is an old adage. But in this case it (the pen) is mightier than guns, because thanks to our Governor, he has restricted even more law abiding citizens’ rights to bear arms by a mere stroke of his pen.
Department of Homeland Security requests proposals to buy 7,000 select-fire "personal defense weapons". Obama using DHS to build private army?
Barack Obama: "...AK-47s belong in the hands of
soldiers, not in the hands of criminals, they belong on the battlefield of war,
not on the streets of our cities..."
Mr. President, who is the Dept of Homeland Security at war with and where is the battlefield? Are DHS agents now acting as "soldiers?"
Entire DHS solicitation here:
From the Blaze:
- The Department of Homeland Security is seeking to acquire 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW) — also known as “assault weapons” when owned by civilians. The solicitation, originally posted on June 7, 2012, comes to light as the Obama administration is calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and high capacity magazines.
- DHS is asking for the 7,000 “select-fire” firearms because they are “suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.” The term select-fire means the weapon can be both semi-automatic and automatic. Civilians are prohibited from obtaining these kinds of weapons. The RFP describes the firearm as “Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) – 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required.”
- Additionally, DHS is asking for 30 round magazines that “have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.”
Some interesting language in that RFP:
- "Personal Defense Weapon"? Why is it when in the hands of a civilian they call it an "assault weapon"?
- “Suitable for personal defense use in close quarters.”?? That's contrary to the White House talking points that insist these types of weapons are "more dangerous to the user" and "a double barrel shotgun is a better choice" for personal defense.
- "Select Fire" means fully automatic capability. A great big NO-NO for us civvies.
- Magazines that “have a capacity to hold thirty (30) 5.56x45mm NATO rounds.” Also another "dangerous" item in the hands of us civilians.
Is Obama using DHS to "end run" the Constitution and build a private army to suppress American civilians? I'm not one to promote conspiracy theories, but that's what this deal sounds like to me.
- "Caliber 5.56x45mm NATO"... that's one of those high-powered battlefield bullets, isn't it?
Friday, February 1, 2013
The revolution begins.
Video from a recent Q&A meeting regarding New York state's hastily approved "assault weapon" ban. I don't think this AWB thing is gonna work out quite like Governor Cuomo thought:
Second Amendment
The "Reverend" Al Sharpton wants your guns.
He also wants you to believe Tawana Brawley was raped 25 years ago by then County Prosecutor Steven Pagones and a gang of white men, some of them Police officers. Yeah... you remember that story, don't you.
Sharpton made his career on racial hatred and telling big-big lies in the media. Tawana Brawley, found guilty of lying and defamation, attempted to disappear and elude justice. 25 years later she has been found living under a false identity and served with a court order to settle her debt with Pagones.
You can run but you can't hid from the lies you've told and the damage you caused:
Sharpton made his career on racial hatred and telling big-big lies in the media. Tawana Brawley, found guilty of lying and defamation, attempted to disappear and elude justice. 25 years later she has been found living under a false identity and served with a court order to settle her debt with Pagones.
You can run but you can't hid from the lies you've told and the damage you caused:
The "reverend" looks like he's lost a few pounds since he last saw Tawana. Looks to me like she found everything he lost and then some.
Armed guard stops middle school shooter. Maybe that NRA fella' was right...
Armed guard disarmed student suspected of wounding 14-year-old boy in courtyard of middle school.
- ATLANTA — A 14-year-old student was shot at an Atlanta middle school Thursday afternoon, and another student was taken into custody, police said.
- An armed guard disarmed the shooter moments after the 1:50 p.m. shooting in a courtyard at the Price Middle School in southeast Atlanta.
What was it that the NRA man said.... "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." Maybe he's on to something.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The "Gun Show Loophole" and other myths.
Seems lately everyone has something to say about the gun ownership debate, I'll regularly hear someone make reference to the "gun show loophole." I like to ask the person to tell me EXACTLY what the "gun show loophole" is. The most common answer is: "at a gun show anyone can buy/sell a gun without any kind of background check," it's also common to see a person become sheepish and admit they "don't know." That's my opportunity to explain the truth of the GSL. I also like to ask these "experts" to tell me EXACTLY what makes a firearm an "Assault Weapon." Usually, again, sheepish admissions that they "don't know."
With all the discussion, debate and misinformation that's out there right now, you need to be armed with facts if you want to join the discussion and not embarrass yourself. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has a page devoted to just the very facts you need to know when facing someone that doesn't have their facts straight. Everything from the "Gun Shoe Loophole" to "Straw Purchases" to "Firearms Tracing" to "Microstamping Firing Pins", and much more.
Arm yourself with facts and join the discussion.
You'll find a permanent link to this page in the right column of this blog under "GOOD INFORMATION."
With all the discussion, debate and misinformation that's out there right now, you need to be armed with facts if you want to join the discussion and not embarrass yourself. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has a page devoted to just the very facts you need to know when facing someone that doesn't have their facts straight. Everything from the "Gun Shoe Loophole" to "Straw Purchases" to "Firearms Tracing" to "Microstamping Firing Pins", and much more.
Arm yourself with facts and join the discussion.
You'll find a permanent link to this page in the right column of this blog under "GOOD INFORMATION."
"He stayed for about five minutes, and couldn't leave fast enough."
I don't expect every president to be active in shooting sports, but don't shine me on when we all know better:
Every 7 yr old child knows what they're up to. Lots of references to "hunting", "tradition" and "protecting hunting and sporting rifles and shotguns", "existing weapons grandfathered..." It's called divide and conquer. They think if they can put enough fear into those gun owners who don't own so called "assault-weapons", and even those that do but think they can find comfort and protection in the "grandfather" clause, they'll support an AWB just to protect their own ass. Separate the "assault weapon" owners from the rest of the group and they'll be vulnerable. Oh no, it's not about you.... It's about those trouble makers over there...
- Obama professed his sweetness for skeet shooting during an interview posted online Sunday with The New Republic, when asked if he had ever fired a gun. "Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time,"
This statement even had the cool-aid servers at CNN rolling their eyes.
- "The only time he shot skeet was for President's Cup," said the source, referring to a shooting competition tradition involving the presidential Marine guards. "I was there. He stayed for about five minutes, and couldn't leave fast enough."
- Obama: "We recognize the traditions of gun ownership that passed on from generation to generation, that hunting and shooting are part of a cherished national heritage..." “in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time,” “I am not going to take your guns away, that just ain’t true...”
- Feinstein: "My bill will protect over 2,200 makes of hunting and sporting rifles and shotguns, existing weapons grandfathered..." "Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe."
- What wasn't said publicly: All grandfathered weapons must be registered under the National Firearms Act--which entails not simply registering the gun, but also photographing and fingerprinting the owner.
Their message: Deal with us and you won't have to face the same music. For now. Classic good cop/bad cop. Divide and conquer. Every child knows the game.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
RuPaul tops Piers Morgan in TV ratings.
Apparently, an irrelevant old colonialist wailing about the American Bill of Rights like a spoiled teenage girl isn't what people turn on the television to see. Even liberals. They've got a new boss over at CNN, we'll see how long he lets this turd wallow before he flushes him back to the UK.
BATFE: Stupid is as stupid does.
ATF's Milwaukee sting operation marred by mistakes, failures
- "When the 10-month operation was shut down after the burglary, agents and Milwaukee police officers who participated in the sting cleared out the store but left behind a sensitive document that listed names, vehicles and phone numbers of undercover agents."
- "And the agency remains locked in a battle with the building's owner, who says he is owed about $15,000 because of utility bills, holes in the walls, broken doors and damage from an overflowing toilet."
- "The operation ran into more trouble in October, when burglars broke into the building housing Fearless and cleaned out the ATF operation."
- "The lease states that the alarm is included in the rent. But shortly after Fearless moved in, Salkin said he told the people running the store he was cutting the phone line, which connected the alarm. He said he assumed they would hook up their own alarm. They did not."
- "As the gun and drug buys continued, the operation went awry. In September, an agent parked his Ford Explorer at the Alterra on N. Humboldt Blvd., about a half mile away, with three ATF guns stored in a metal box in the back."
- "About 3 p.m. Sept. 13, an Alterra employee spotted three men breaking into the Explorer. They stole three guns: a Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun, a Sig Sauer .40-caliber pistol and an M-4 .223-caliber fully automatic rifle. They also made off with ammunition and an ATF radio, according to a police report. It does not appear from the reports that the agent was at Alterra at the time of the break-in."
- "But during the roundup, ATF arrested and sought charges against three defendants who proved to be the wrong people, even though they had video of the defendants."
- "One of those was Adrienne Jones. ATF agents said Jones sold them six grams of marijuana on March 7. Problem was, Jones reported to a federal prison in Pennsylvania to start a sentence on March 1, according to Chris Burke, spokesman for the federal Bureau of Prisons - on an ATF case."
- "Other cases reveal that the agency's operation was paying such high prices that some defendants bought guns from stores such as Gander Mountain and sold them to the agents for a quick profit. The mistakes by agents are troubling and suggest a lack of planning and oversight, according to veterans of the ATF"
And there's good reason to believe the rumors that a similar BATFE operation working out of NW Indiana that targeted Chicago has also seen its own share of ineptitude. Idiots.
- "The ATF has run storefront stings in other cities, holding news conferences trumpeting results and showing off the guns and drugs seized. In Milwaukee, the operation has been kept quiet...."
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Listen to your pal Joe Biden, he knows what's best.
Joe Biden Recommends Buying A Shotgun When An Earthquake Strikes
- In a Google+ Hangout centered around gun control, Vice President Joe Biden went off on a strange tangent on shotguns, assault rifles, and protecting yourself during an earthquake against other people (or, zombies?).
- "A shotgun would keep you a lot safer – a double barrel shotgun – than the assault weapon in somebody's hand who doesn't know how to use it, even one who does know how to use it. You know. *Points to the camera*
"Harder to use an assault weapon to hit something..." What the fuck? Jesus H Christ, Joe Biden is an idiot.
- It's harder to use an assault weapon to hit something than it is a shotgun. So, if you want to keep people away in an earthquake, buy some shotgun shells."
Oh and BTW, "zombies" is just code for African Americans. What, you didn't know that? Some funny guy in Hollywood thought that one up years ago.
Monday, January 28, 2013
"Scooby was jus' turnin' his life around..."
Ghetto irony number 1: He was just turning his life around.
Mom of 4 murdered children: ‘We need tougher gun laws’
BY MITCH DUDEK AND FRANK MAIN Staff Reporters January 27, 2013 10:02PM
After losing a daughter and two sons to gun violence, Shirley Chambers prayed and dreamed her only surviving child would grow to be an old man.
But on Sunday evening, a day after her 34-year-old son, Ronnie, was shot and killed, she was coming to the awful realization that she would need to buy another set of flowers on her regular visits to see her children at Burr Oak Cemetery.
“I’d pray for God to protect Ronnie and keep him safe day and night,” said Shirley Chambers, a cashier at a downtown Portillo’s eatery who recently took her son into her apartment on the Near North Side because he was having financial troubles.
Ronnie Chambers was the manager of aspiring rapper YK, short for Yung Killa. On Dec. 17, they were featured on an episode of “The Ricki Lake Show.”
He told the TV host that his siblings’ murders — and his own long arrest record — prompted him to “do something different.”
His mother said Sunday her son was following through on that pledge and turning his life around, but she was concerned about his association with YK.
“I really started to worry about Ronnie when he got involved with this rapper, because I saw what happened on TV with that rapper on the South Side getting killed,” said Shirley Chambers, 54, referring to the September shooting death of rapper Joseph ‘Lil JoJo’ Coleman.
Ronnie Chambers was shot about 2:15 a.m. in the 1100 block of South Mozart after attending a downtown “listening party” for YK.
Ronnie Chambers was in a van after dropping off a friend’s son when someone opened fire, hitting Ronnie Chambers in the head and wounding another man in the van.
“He didn’t have no beef with nobody,” Shirley Chambers said. “We need tougher gun laws, where people will know they will be in prison for a long time if they choose to pick up a gun and take a life.”
Ronnie Chambers’ friend, Nicole Smith, said her son was safely in the home when they heard the gunfire.
“I told everybody to get down on the floor,” Smith said.
She said people called 911 and waited for an ambulance while they tried to comfort Ronnie Chambers, whose nickname was Scooby.
“We kept saying, ‘Breathe for us, Scoob,’ ” she said.
Smith said she thinks someone followed Ronnie Chambers from the downtown party to “get him.”
Shirley Chambers raised her four children in the Cabrini-Green public housing complex on the North Side.
Her 23-year-old son, Jerome, was shot to death outside a Cabrini-Green building in 2000. Two months earlier, a 13-year-old boy gunned down her 15-year-old daughter, LaToya, nearby.
In 1995, a 16-year-old boy fatally shot her 18-year-old son, Carlos, on a sidewalk in the South Loop. They both attended Jones High School.
“I can’t take it any more. I need help,” Shirley Chambers said. “If anybody’s out there who knows what happened to my baby, they need to talk."Message to Shirley: Yo boy lil' Scooby wasn't turning his life around. Don't fool yourself. Have a good look at yourself in the mirror Shirley. You got four children shot dead. You think maybe your parenting skills had something to do with what has happened? And now you're calling for tougher gun laws? Tougher than the laws already on the books in Chicago? Your children were a victim of their own lifestyle and the violence that's become a major element of your community. Shirley, this isn't going to change until you accept some responsibility for your children's deaths. But yeah, you go ahead and keep blaming others.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Where's the mandate?
Obama suggests Republicans unwilling to compromise in gun control debate. And the Democrats are? Unwillingness to compromise works both ways. I don't see any "compromise" on their side regarding the issue of banning semi-auto rifles. Obama says he can get 50 percent of public support for many of his upcoming initiatives. Well, I may not be the brightest guy when it comes to mathematics, but doesn't that mean 50 percent do not support his initiatives? Someone once said "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." If there's a mandate in those numbers, it's cowering in a very dark corner.
Obama goes on to say "The House Republican majority is made up mostly of members who are in sharply gerrymandered districts that are very safely Republican and may not feel compelled to pay attention to broad-based public opinion, because what they're really concerned about is the opinions of their specific Republican constituencies”. Hey president asshole, "gerrymandering " districts are not exclusive to the Republican party. Just have a look at the ward map of the city of Chicago. Democrats are masters at using their majority control to redraw district maps that ensure their power is protected and expanded. And by the way, the House Republicans are expected to vote in a manner that reflects the wishes of their electorate, just as House Democrats are. Since when is an elected official expected to vote based on "broad-based public opinion" instead of the wishes of those that elected them?
Obama goes on to say "The House Republican majority is made up mostly of members who are in sharply gerrymandered districts that are very safely Republican and may not feel compelled to pay attention to broad-based public opinion, because what they're really concerned about is the opinions of their specific Republican constituencies”. Hey president asshole, "gerrymandering " districts are not exclusive to the Republican party. Just have a look at the ward map of the city of Chicago. Democrats are masters at using their majority control to redraw district maps that ensure their power is protected and expanded. And by the way, the House Republicans are expected to vote in a manner that reflects the wishes of their electorate, just as House Democrats are. Since when is an elected official expected to vote based on "broad-based public opinion" instead of the wishes of those that elected them?
The reference to "hunting and family traditions" has become signature in the liberal attempt to split the firearms community. Reaching out to "hunters and sportsmen" in an attempt to placate them, repeatedly telling them "your guns are safe from being banned". What a bunch of lies. Semi-auto rifles are the most popular type of rifle used by "hunters and sportsmen". Don't be fooled.
When debating the issue, liberals get caught using the words "for now", as in we'll take what we can get "for now". Make no mistake, they want your guns. ALL OF THEM.
when seconds count, the police are minutes away.
In urban and suburban areas the accepted number is 4-6 minutes average response time to emergency calls, rural areas can take up to 30 minutes to respond to an emergency. That's more than enough time for the bad guys to kill your wife, rape your daughters and sodomize you and your dog. And with the budget shortfalls facing each and every jurisdiction in the nation the situation is getting worse.
The common media story that Police Chiefs support gun control is a bunch of crap. Police Chiefs and Superintendents are mostly political positions, and if they want to keep their job they had better parrot the policy of the politicians that appointed them, with vigor if you are in Chicago. Talk to the beat cops in the city, suburban cops in your neighborhood and the guys out policing the highways alone in their cruiser and you'll hear a different story. Real cops support armed citizens. Real cops know the reality of police response to emergency situations:
Wis. sheriff urges citizens to get gun training
"A Wisconsin sheriff says he released an ad calling on residents to defend themselves because the old model of having a citizen call 911 and wait for help isn't always the best option.
In the ad, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke Jr. tells residents that when it comes to personal safety: "I need you in the game." He urges citizens to learn to use firearms so they can "fight back" until authorities arrive.
The ad has drawn sharp criticism from other area officials. The president of the Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs' Association, Roy Felber, says it sounds like a call to vigilantism.
But Clarke says he can either whine about budget cuts that have reduced the number of deputies or call on citizens to work with officers in some situations."
The average police emergency response time is 4-6 minutes. An AR15 can respond at 3100 feet per second. Repeatedly.
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