"I’m British, a breed of human being who burned down the White House in 1814 and had to be forcefully deported en masse, as no American will ever be allowed to forget – Special Relationship notwithstanding.
It’s no exaggeration to say that America’s unique fondness for guns pretty much got cemented by hatred of us Brits and the War of Independence."
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Many generations later, some British are still feeling butt-hurt over the pranging they took at the end of American colonist gun barrels.
Piers Morgan seems to be one of those that can't quite get over it. But he does appear to have an elemental grasp of the logic behind Second Amendment to our Constitution:
And so it begins....
A $100M law suit.
"The state Board of Education, Department of Education and state education commissioner failed to protect the child "from foreseeable harm," including by failing to provide a safe school setting, the filing said.
It says the parties also failed to require the school and local Board of Education to formulate and implement an effective student safety emergency response plan."
It also said the parties failed to review and carefully scrutinize annual strategic school profile reports from the local school district and Sandy Hook Elementary as well as "other submissions with respect to student safety and emergency response planning and protocol."
The same politicians and school administrators who scoffed and belittled the NRA for suggesting armed security be placed in schools may now have to face reality and implement this very plan or risk being held accountable for future deaths if they fail to act.
Hypocrisy, Chicago style pt. 5
This is becoming an all-too familiar story. Again, a liberal legislator carrying a gun. He has a job with a"security firm"? Is this like alderman Ed Burke's PI License? Once again, guns are just dandy for the chosen few and those who think they are above the law, but the rest of us are on our own.
Democratic State Sen. Donne Trotter was arrested Dec. 5 when security screeners at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport found an unloaded .25-caliber Beretta handgun and ammunition in his garment bag. He told officers the gun is for a job he has with a security firm and that he had forgotten it was in his bag. Trotter, 62, spent a night in jail before posting bail and being released. He has been charged with a felony.
A reminder to the Illinois legislature.
I am just gonna love watching all the Illinois liberals squirm as they work on this piece of legislation. And all my liberal Facebook friends can SMD.
When asked if New York should serve as a model during negotiations with the Illinois Legislature, Gov. Pat Quinn said: "Everything must be on the table. ... I imagine there will be hearings, I know there will be, on this subject, and there will be an opportunity to bring out the very best way to go for our state."
Support the NRA
We all know somebody that just can't shut the fuck up about gun control. You know, that liberal friend of a friend, co-worker are even a relative that emotes all over facebook whenever the subject of firearm ownership comes up. The same idiot that tweeted fervently for hours after the Obama re-election. Yeah, we all know this guy or gal, don't we?
Here's a thought: If you got a few extra bucks, send it to the NRA. You can buy all of your liberal friends a membership in the NRA for just $35 each. In a few weeks they'll receive an NRA membership card in the mail with their name on it. And a hat. And a sticker for the rear window of their car. Every month the mailman will deliver a pro-second amendment magazine directly to their mailbox.
So show your support for the NRA. Enroll a liberal.
Journal News to "out" more firearm permit holders.
These assholes last week outed thousands of pistol permit holders in suburban Westchester and Rockland counties just north of New York City, and have now stated thew will add names to the list as the information becomes available. Publishing these names is pure recklessness, the danger in doing so obvious. Thankfully some have chosen to fight back by publishing the personal information of the newspaper's publisher, editor and writer:
White Plains newspaper The Journal- News, a Gannett publication, has published the full name and address of every licensed pistol permit holder in three New York counties. I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:
(UPDATE: Uh oh – InstaPundit’s linked here. Hundreds of thousands of readers; Janet, you have a great Christmas Eve)

Janet Hasson, publisher, Journal News
Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10534.
Phone number:
(914) 694-5204
Here’s a photo showing her Mamaroneck house – interior shots are on Zillow:
UPDATE: From reader RJS: Gannett’s CEO-
Gracia C Martore
728 Springvale Rd
Great Falls, VA 22066
(703) 759-5954
The reporter on the story is
Dwight R Worley
23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 527-0832
UPDATE: Intrepid readers have come up with all sorts of contacts for these people:
Miss Royle’s married name is Lambert. She lives in White Plains and here is her Facebook page complete with pictures of her and her kids. Hello Sanctimony.
Cynthia R Lambert
17 Mcbride Ave
White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 948-9388
Work: 914-694-5001
Drives a red convertible:http://s13.postimage.org/k8ffnxuo7/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_red_convertible.jpg
Family photo: http://s7.postimage.org/dkqtytvyj/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_fb_alt_private.jpg
Publisher, Janet Hasson,
3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck NY, 10543
(914) 694-5204
Reporter, Dwight R. Worley, 23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
(718) 527-0832
The “Visual Editor” responsible for the map itself is:
Robert F. Rodriguez
(w) Stephanie Azzarone
Home (212) 222-4566
420 Riverside Dr, Apt 7A
New York, NY 10025-7748
Publisher: Janet Hasson (@janhasson on twitter) 3 Gate House Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10534
Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759-5954
Janet Hasson herself is married with one child, and her personal interests, as culled from her credit card records, are noted below:
White Plains newspaper The Journal- News, a Gannett publication, has published the full name and address of every licensed pistol permit holder in three New York counties. I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:
(UPDATE: Uh oh – InstaPundit’s linked here. Hundreds of thousands of readers; Janet, you have a great Christmas Eve)
Janet Hasson, publisher, Journal News
Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10534.
Phone number:
(914) 694-5204
Here’s a photo showing her Mamaroneck house – interior shots are on Zillow:
Gracia C Martore
728 Springvale Rd
Great Falls, VA 22066
(703) 759-5954
The reporter on the story is
Dwight R Worley
23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 527-0832
UPDATE: Intrepid readers have come up with all sorts of contacts for these people:
Miss Royle’s married name is Lambert. She lives in White Plains and here is her Facebook page complete with pictures of her and her kids. Hello Sanctimony.
Cynthia R Lambert
17 Mcbride Ave
White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 948-9388
Work: 914-694-5001
Drives a red convertible:http://s13.postimage.org/k8ffnxuo7/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_red_convertible.jpg
Family photo: http://s7.postimage.org/dkqtytvyj/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_fb_alt_private.jpg
Publisher, Janet Hasson,
3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck NY, 10543
(914) 694-5204
Reporter, Dwight R. Worley, 23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
(718) 527-0832
The “Visual Editor” responsible for the map itself is:
Robert F. Rodriguez
(w) Stephanie Azzarone
Home (212) 222-4566
420 Riverside Dr, Apt 7A
New York, NY 10025-7748
Publisher: Janet Hasson (@janhasson on twitter) 3 Gate House Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10534
Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759-5954
Janet Hasson herself is married with one child, and her personal interests, as culled from her credit card records, are noted below:
I would encourage all to contact these people directly to express your views. And while you're at it be sure to tell them to have a nice day.
Hypocrisy, Chicago style pt. 4
Chicago Alderman Ed Burke licensed to carry in public? A semi-auto rifle? He's a Private Investigator??? Once again, firearms are just swell for the chosen few, while they work to disarm the general population:
"There is no mistaking 14th ward alderman Ed Burke on the floor of the Chicago City Council. He’s the white-haired, pinstriped alderman sitting in the most important desk on the floor: the one he occupies as head of the Finance Committee.
But state records show another role for Edward M. Burke: Private Eye.
Burke is a licensed private detective. In addition he’s approved to carry a semi-automatic weapon. And according to state records Edward M. Burke is also a private security contractor, trained and certified to also carry a revolver."
Mass murder of white children has more political value then the mass murder of minority children.
John Kass, one of the few truth-speakers in Chicago media was on CNN yesterday, and articulated what many of us already recognize: The media doesn't seem to care that hundreds of Latino and African-American children are murdered every year in Chicago. It is not uncommon on a hot summer weekend for as many as as many as 50 people to be shot. Where's the outrage? The demands for action? These are "ghetto kids", so I guess it doesn't play into the media story line on guns:
“We make the Sandy Hook – which was a tragedy – a big deal. Why don’t the politicians come to the funerals of the dead African-American and Latino kids who get killed by the hundreds and hundreds and hundreds,” asked Kass. “The media has ghettoized these children, these homicide victims.”....“I’m not diminishing the others, I’m just saying, President Obama, show up at a funeral here in Chicago once in a while too,”
And he reminded us of just who President Barack Obama's mouthpiece is:
"a TIME Magazine reporter once compared former Chicago Mayor Richard Daley to Andy Griffith’s depiction of the sheriff of Mayberry. “Now that reporter is the press secretary for President Obama,” Kass said, referring to White House Press Sec. Jay Carney."
John Kass may be the only person in Chicago media that "gets it". I hope he doesn't let this story disappear.
Another punative firearms tax aimed only at law abiding citizens.
The absence of logic in this is staggering. And they wonder why the busiest gun shops in the state are located just across the county lines.
With gangland shootings becoming an every-day occurrence in Chicago, the Board of Commissioners in surrounding Cook County is trying anew to tackle the deadly problem -- with another tax. But already, some are questioning whether the move is more about making a statement than addressing the violence. Under the new law, Cook County is charging an additional $25 tax on every handgun sold inside county lines. Gun shop owner Fred Lutger said this fee targets legal gun buyers, and not the gangsters responsible for many of Chicago's homicides. "They make it sound like it's a tax but it's actually a fight against the Second Amendment, the right to bear arms," he said. The new tax was sold to the public with the idea that it would offset the public cost of medical care for shooting victims. According to Board President Toni Preckwinkle's own numbers, that cost was just shy of $35 million. Yet the estimated revenue for the new tax will be roughly $600,000. Still, the tax might not be just about the money. Laurence Msall, president of The Civic Federation in Chicago, said "it's clear that the motivation for the tax is not revenue." "It is it is more of a public policy issue in terms of trying to deter people from buying firearms," Msall said. Opponents of the law, though, warn that the tax could backfire -- by driving buyers and even businesses out of Cook County. Preckwinkle said she would be "astonished" if businesses actually left Cook over the tax. But County Commissioner Tim Schneider said: "I think we're astonished many times when businesses leave the county, but they do." Cook County has been down this road before. There is a tax on bottled water -- one of the highest sales taxes in the country. An increase in the cigarette tax fell dramatically short of projected revenue because tobacco store owners hoarded up the tax stamps before the increase went into effect. The new fee in Cook County, though passed earlier in the year, comes as other jurisdictions are examining ways to curb gun violence in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting. While some have turned to taxes, others are calling for bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. In Congress, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., plans to introduce such a bill at the federal level during the next session.
Hypocrisy, Chicago style pt. 3
Rahm Emanuel calls NRA comments on armed officers in public schools "outrageous and unsettling", yet his own children attend the Lab School at University of Chicago, which employs two armed police officers at the school every day. And let's not forget about the armed security guarding Rahm's children as they travel to and from school. And the armed men guarding Rahm's home 24/7. Once again, guns are just dandy for protecting the chosen few, but the rest of our children are on their own.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Hypocrisy, Chicago style pt. 2
Armed protection is good enough for Barry & Michelle's children. Why not yours? And you've also got to ask the question; If Obama's children had been students at Sandy Hook, would the shooter have had any success? Yeah, I know the answer to that too...
Armed protection is good enough for Barry & Michelle's children. Why not yours? And you've also got to ask the question; If Obama's children had been students at Sandy Hook, would the shooter have had any success? Yeah, I know the answer to that too...
Rahm Emanuel: The Grand Wizard of the most violent city in America.
When Veronica Crowder unexpectedly ran into her younger brother, she warned him to “stay off” the streets. “Stay off these street corners - don’t be standing out here unless you want to go back to jail,” Crowder said she told Nathaniel T. Jackson, who on Thursday became the city’s 500th homicide of 2012.
BUT WAIT, HOLD THE PRESSES: Rahm says "we're not
there yet!"
Mayor McSmirk is not amused.
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