Saturday, March 2, 2013

Magpul Industries tells the Colorado legislature: Pass your proposed AWB and you can all go choke on a bucket of cock.

Magpul Industries, manufacturer of what is probably the most popular and highly regarded high-capacity magazine for AR-15 type rifles (plus a variety of other firearm parts and accessories), and responsible for 600 jobs in the state of Colorado, has told the Colorado state legislature in no uncertain terms that they will leave the state if the legislature votes to pass an overly restrictive weapons ban. 

Magpul founder and president Richard Fitzpatrick has said he is dead serious about moving his company: "It's not really a threat. It's a promise."

God bless Magpul Industries for standing up to the bullies in the Colorado state legislature. If Colorado passes this ban I too hope they all choke on a bucket of cock.

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper, who recently approved a measure to legalize pot smoking in Colorado, has said he will sign this weapon ban into law if passed.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Joe Biden: "you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door"

Don't bother asking who's on the other side. "just fire the shotgun through the door." 


"If they come for our guns then it is our constitutional right to put them six feet under."

Worth repeating: A great column on the Second Amendment and this constitutional republic we all live in written by Dean Garrison at The D.C. Clothesline. Some Highlights:
  • The truth is that the United States of America is a constitutional republic. This is similar to a democracy because our representatives are selected by democratic elections, but ultimately our representatives are required to work within the framework of our constitution. In other words, even if 90% of Americans want something that goes against our founding principles, they have no right to call for a violation of constitutional rights.
  • Our founders did not want a “democracy” for they feared a true democracy was just as dangerous as a monarchy. The founders were highly educated people who were experienced in defending themselves against tyranny. They understood that the constitution could protect the people by limiting the power of anyone to work outside of it much better than a pure system of popularity. A system of checks and balances was set up to help limit corruption of government and also the potential for an “immoral majority” developing within the American People. We have forgotten in this country that we are ultimately ruled by a constitution.
  • This country was built on the right to bear arms. It was built on the rights of an individual to bear arms, regardless of what his government or neighbor happened to think. This is crystal clear. Ironically the people who voice their opinions against this right have their free speech protected by your guns. Without guns in this country, all other amendments become null and void, simply because “We the People” will lose our power of enforcement.
  • We need to keep this in mind as our “representatives” try to push gun bans. I don’t care if 99% of people are in support of gun bans (which is far from the case), it is a violation of our constitutional rights, plain and simple.
  • A constitutional republic protects the rights of the individual even when their ideas are very much in the minority. If I were the only person in America who believed in the 2nd amendment, I would still be within my rights to call upon it. You would all think I was insane and possibly celebrate if I was gunned down, but in the end I would be the only true American among us.
  • Our framers were very clear on this. If my government comes to take my guns, they are violating one of my constitutional rights that is covered by the 2nd amendment.
  • It is not my right, at that point, but my responsibility to respond in the name of liberty.What I am telling you is something that many are trying to soft sell, and many others have tried to avoid putting into print, but I am going to say it. The time for speaking in code is over.
  • If they come for our guns then it is our constitutional right to put them six feet under. You have the right to kill any representative of this government who tries to tread on your liberty. I am thinking about self-defense and not talking about inciting a revolution. Re-read Jefferson’s quote. He talks about a “last resort.” I am not trying to start a Revolt, I am talking about self-defense. If the day for Revolution comes, when no peaceful options exist, we may have to talk about that as well. None of us wants to think about that, but please understand that a majority can not take away your rights as an American citizen. Only you can choose to give up your rights.
  • If they come for your guns it is your right to use those guns against them and to kill them. You are protected by our constitution.