White Plains newspaper The Journal- News, a Gannett publication, has published the full name and address of every licensed pistol permit holder in three New York counties. I don’t know whether the Journal’s publisher Janet Hasson is a permit holder herself, but here’s how to find her to ask:
(UPDATE: Uh oh – InstaPundit’s linked here. Hundreds of thousands of readers; Janet, you have a great Christmas Eve)
Janet Hasson, publisher, Journal News
Janet Hasson, 3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10534.
Phone number:
(914) 694-5204
Here’s a photo showing her Mamaroneck house – interior shots are on Zillow:
Gracia C Martore
728 Springvale Rd
Great Falls, VA 22066
(703) 759-5954
The reporter on the story is
Dwight R Worley
23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413 (718) 527-0832
UPDATE: Intrepid readers have come up with all sorts of contacts for these people:
Miss Royle’s married name is Lambert. She lives in White Plains and here is her Facebook page complete with pictures of her and her kids. Hello Sanctimony.
Cynthia R Lambert
17 Mcbride Ave
White Plains, NY 10603 (914) 948-9388
Work: 914-694-5001
Drives a red convertible:http://s13.postimage.org/k8ffnxuo7/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_red_convertible.jpg
Family photo: http://s7.postimage.org/dkqtytvyj/cyndee_royle_aka_cynthia_lambert_fb_alt_private.jpg
Publisher, Janet Hasson,
3 Gate House Lane, Mamaroneck NY, 10543
(914) 694-5204
Reporter, Dwight R. Worley, 23006 139 Ave
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
(718) 527-0832
The “Visual Editor” responsible for the map itself is:
Robert F. Rodriguez
(w) Stephanie Azzarone
Home (212) 222-4566
420 Riverside Dr, Apt 7A
New York, NY 10025-7748
Publisher: Janet Hasson (@janhasson on twitter) 3 Gate House Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10534
Gracia C Martore 728 Springvale Rd Great Falls, VA 22066 (703) 759-5954
Janet Hasson herself is married with one child, and her personal interests, as culled from her credit card records, are noted below:
I would encourage all to contact these people directly to express your views. And while you're at it be sure to tell them to have a nice day.
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